The Facts About eCS Tone Maintenance for Pet Wellness
Addressing Inflammation as the cause of age-related discomforts.
PMI’s mission is lifespan pet wellness through education and promotion of strategies to insure effective balancing of homeostasis. Homeostasis is how all mammals keep the myriad biological processes needed for life in the right range for good health. Only with proper homeostasis is a condition of wellness possible.
First – by providing the latest science-based information about the endogenous communication system or eCS. The eCS must maintain a robust tone in order to effectively regulate homeostasis. Unfortunately, age and stress can reduce the robust effectiveness of an eCS tone to maintain its youthful performance that keeps young ones generally healthy.
The eCS includes natural receptors in virtually all cells, tissues and organs in the body. They communicate through chemical neurotransmitter molecules that are formed, as needed, in a just-in-time signal communication system with the brain.
The eCS was discovered when scientists looked into how cannabis plant chemicals known as cannabinoids (e.g., THC and CBD) effects humans. This communication system of specialized receptors, neuro-transmitting chemicals – and the enzymes that create and degrade them as needed – was named by the researchers as the endocannabinoid system.
Second – by focusing on Homeostasis. Homeostasis is the dynamic process of continuously keeping all bio-physiological chemical reactions in all living mammals working towards balance.
All mammals – e.g., humans and companion animals – have bio/physiological systems that must stay balanced within a narrow range in order to operate effectively. For example, normal body temperature for warm blooded mammals such as humans is typically around 98.6 degrees F and for dogs around 101.5 F. Maintaining this level regardless of surrounding temperature happens automatically unless something causes it to react… like a bacterial or viral intruder enters the body. This causes the immune system to raise the body temperature to kill off the intruders. Another reaction calls for many special killer immune cells to go to the site of infection or tissue damage. This reaction is called ‘inflammation’.
Third – by showing how a robust eCS tone can minimize the causes of chronic systemic inflammation (CSI) and therefore address age-related discomforts over the lifespan.
CSI, i.e., inflammation that lasts long after the initial danger is over, results from a ‘far-from-homeostasis’ immune system condition, especially when the eCS loses its youthful tone. But regular maintenance of the eCS can restore a robust eCS tone to help reduce the chances of CSI.
Addressing age-related discomfort over the lifespan
Chronic systemic inflammation is now understood by medical science as the root cause of many disabling illnesses responsible for poor quality of life and even premature death.
For example, arthritis due to chronic inflammation, results in a variety of joint pains. By maintaining a robust eCS, chronic inflammation may be reduced – at worst – and prevented at best. And the eCS’s ability to regulate homeostasis is also able to reduce pain and itch signals to the brain. Reducing joint discomforting signals can greatly impact on quality of life.
Addressing Contact Dermatitis Across The Lifespan
In companion animals, as in humans, contact dermatitis is a common complaint in the clinic. The largest organ in the body, the skin, has its own eCS, as well as having its own immune system. Each are in constant communication with the other… and the brain. Topical supplements can act on the skin’s eCS to restore and maintain a youthful robust eCS tone that able to regulate homeostasis, address imbalances in the skin related to pruritus and therefore maintain a higher quality of life across the lifespan
The Pet Med Institute (PMI) has a robust eCS tone philosophy based on science supported by published peer reviewed research conducted by respected research scientists. PMI’s philosophy can be expressed as “Homeostasis is key to wellness… eCS Tone is key to homeostasis… Proper supplementation is key to maintaining a robust eCS Tone”.

Robert Rager, BA Chemistry, Executive Director and Founder, responsible for the PMI Lifespan Wellness Program. Bob’s resume includes Analytical Chemist, NIH Grant Reviewer, Allied Healthcare Publisher (Cognitive Technology Journal), Founder and CEO of Compact Disc Incorporated (CDI), Director of the CDI 1 Institutional Review Board, Marketing Management with General Electric Company Plastics Division and successful Biotech Investor. Bob was Principal Investigator on multiple memory, attention and cognition NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants at CDI.

Roscoe Moore, DVM, Ph.D, D.Sc., is Vice President and Director of Veterinary Cannabis Science for Pet Med Institute. Dr Moore, a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, is Former Assistant United States Surgeon General and Rear Admiral, United States Public Health Service (Retired). Roscoe was selected Chief Veterinary Medical Officer by Surgeon General C. Everette Koop. His DVM (Tuskegee Institute) compliments his Ph.D in Epidemiology from Johns Hopkins School of PUBLIC HEALTH. His resume includes: Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Center for Veterinary Medicine, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Assistant Professor of Oncology, Howard University College of Medicine.

Caroline Coile, Ph.D, Canine health researcher, writer and author of 34 books on dogs. (Cannabis and CBD Science for Dogs: Natural Supplements to Support Healthy Living and Graceful Aging.) Caroline’s resume includes: Author of over 34 books (over 1 million copies sold); Member AKC Canine Health Foundation President’s Council; 2 Time Winner Canine Health Foundation Award; Writer, Dog Nutrition & Breeding Columns.

- David Moche is the CEO/CFO and Co-Founder of the ABSC Pet Health Foundation. He is an experienced financial executive, working as a CPA and tax accountant for Touche Ross & Co. for many years. He has a successful track record as a hedge fund founder and is an active investor in US and Israeli early stage high tech and other companies. His passion is now focused on improving pet health, and his rescue dog Coco is one of the many reasons he founded the ABSC Pet Health Foundation.

Bart S. Fisher, JD, Harvard Law, PhD, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies is in active corporate and international practice at his law firm in Washington DC. Bart’s resume includes lawyer, educator and investment banker; Recognized by Marquis Who’s Who for Excellence in International Relations and Corporate Finance; Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in the World, and Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America. Bart is a Nobel Prize Nominee as Founder, National Bone Marrow Transplant Registry.

Zachary Phillips, PharmD, earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. A compounding pharmacist for five years before founding Capital Compounding in Bethesda, Maryland his custom medication pharmacy servicing a growing allergy formulation need. An advocate of maintaining a robust endocannabinoid system for lifespan wellness, and a pet owner, Dr Phillips enjoys practicing custom veterinary compounding. His creativity and resourcefulness informs PMI in its efforts to develop non-cannabis cannabinoid products in shaping the future of pet wellness.

John Gonzalez, BS, Accounting. John has over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing of computer software and services to commercial and government enterprises on a national and international basis. He is a proven business builder of startup enterprises both in the United States and Europe and has successfully demonstrated his ability to recruit, manage, and build teams to achieve and exceed stated business goals in all phases of building and managing these startup enterprises. He has done this successfully for Sybase, Oracle, and Capital Systems Group, Inc., EDS, and General Electric Company and is an invaluable member of the PMI team.

Joe Jacobs, MD, MBA. Dr Jacobs earned his BS in Biology at Columbia University, his MD degree from Yale University and his MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Joe has been involved in a variety of public and private sector positions including Medical Director positions for the State of Vermont; The first Director Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health; Director, Division of Health Manpower and Training, The Indian Health Service; and Associate Medical Director, Abbott Molecular Diagnostics. In addition to a number of honors and awards, Dr Jacobs is past President of The Association of American Indian Physicians and a standing member of the Commissioned Officers Association of the US Public Health Service. Joe is a follower of alternative health with interest in the endocannabinoid system as a path to pet and human wellness.

Liz Tuckermanty, Ph.D Human Nutrition, MS Allied Medical Professions. USDA career as National Program Leader, Both: Community Food Systems & Extension Service Nutrition; Director, Small Business Innovation Research Grants Program; and Chair, Compact Disc Incorporated 1 Institutional Review Board.

Marija Trieschman, owner of Exalt Farm in Maryland, is a successful Grand Prix Dressage rider and trainer. Marija evaluates new products for eCS Tone maintenance. Since 2001, Marija’s Exalt horses and riders of all levels have earned over 25 USDF medals.
We believe in the endoCannabinoid System (eCS)
It’s all about the eCS that regulates homeostasis in every living mammal. Read more about the eCS, inflammation, pain and homeostasis, etc., including a paper on the “The Role of the Endogenous Communication System in the Resolution of Chronic Pain” on the the Resources and Research page.